Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I love Radiohead

It's true. I love Radiohead. I have since the first moment I heard them. In fact, I have one of their lyrics ("Immerse Your Soul in Love") tattooed across my collarbone.

Today I was stumbling around the internet and came across a YouTube video of Thom Yorke performing "Videotape". It's just Mr. Yorke and a piano, and I think it's perfect in both its simplicity and its beauty.


When I'm at the pearly gates
This'll be on my videotape
My videotape
My videotape

When Mephistopheles is just beneath
And he's reaching up to grab me

This is one for the good days
And I have it all here
In red blue green
In red blue green

You are my center when I spin away
Out of control
On videotape
On videotape

This is my way of saying goodbye
Because I can't do it face to face
So I'm talking to you before it's too late

No matter what happens now
I shouldn't be afraid
Because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen

There are few things in this world that touch my soul the way a well-crafted song can.
If I were to lose my sense of hearing, I honestly don't know if I would chose to continue living.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love Radiohead too. I know what you mean. I just love them. Ditto Brother. Peace.