Thursday, August 14, 2008

Time for a Change (again)

I’m making a few changes which I’m rather excited about.

The first is giving up fast food again. I truly hope that I’ll be successful this time around. After all, it’s not like it tastes that great. I think my inability to avoid these horrible places comes more out of convenience and habit than anything else. It’s only been 4 or 5 days so far, but I already feel better. I’m noticing that I have more energy in the morning and I don’t get hungry quite as often. I’m also drinking more water again and doing my best to avoid soda.

The change I’m most excited about though is cycling. I have always loved bicycling, especially back in my healthier days. In fact, I can remember when my “dream job” was to be a bike messenger. Over the years, however, I drifted away from cycling (much to my regret). It was a combination, I think, of far too many knee surgeries (I’ve had 3) along with the stupid notion that I simply didn’t have enough time. Luckily, that’s all going to change.

I am going through all of the crap stuffed away in my garage and selling it to buy a new bike! All of my unneeded furniture, extra TVs, etc… will be sold so that I can purchase this beauty:

My plan is to ride daily, no matter what. No more driving to the coffee shop (to hang out), when I can bike there in only a few minutes. In fact; unless I really need to carry something (like groceries) I don’t plan on using my car within city limits. Hopefully, within a month of getting back in the saddle, I’ll be able to start riding to work at least twice a week. It’s about 9 miles each way, and fairly flat. Sure, it will take longer to get to and from work, but at least I can avoid all the damn freeway traffic! And let’s be honest here… it’s not like I need to be in a big hurry anyway.

If nothing else, this should be interesting...

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Truth about "Fiscal Conservatives"

Comic by Steve Greenberg of the Ventura County Star, California

Yep, that pretty much sums it up...

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Supporting My Local Fast Food Joint

I know, I know... fast food is bad for you. It will clog your arteries and shave valuable years off of your life. I'm not going to offend your delicate sensibilities by suggesting that you start frequenting your local Jack in the Box or Carl's Jr. No, I'm talking about those great little mom & pop joints, happy to have 3 or maybe 4 locations, that are becoming as scarce as my hairline.

Places where the employees actually care about the quality of the food they give you. Where the staff is large enough to serve you quickly, but small enough for them to actually remember you when you come in. I'm talking about a spot where you can get a burger and zucchini strips that look as good as this:

The Johnny California Burger (from Johnny's Burgers in Santa Ana)
-click image to induce mouth watering -

I don't mean to sound like a commercial, but I really can't say enough about this place. They have the best burgers I think I've ever had, 7 different types of grilled cheese (all of which are amazing), great vegetarian sandwiches (like their Sweet Potato & Avocado), and a shit ton of beakfast choices too!

They also carry Vintage & Original Recipe Sodas:

American Root Beer, Ginger Ale and Black Cherry
Moxie Cream Soda, Orange Cream and Cherry
Nesbitt's Orange, Strawberry and Peach
Red Ribbon Cherry, Root Beer and Grape
Plantation Style Mint Julep
Coca Cola (original recipe)
Dr. Pepper (original recipe w/ Imperial pure cane sugar)
Bubble Up!
Pennsylvania Punch Sweet Blossom
Mr Qcumber

I'm telling you... it's hard to find something more satisfying than a perfectly made hamburger with a side of Johnny's zucchini strips (or fries or sweet potato fries), chased with a cold bottle of original recipe Dr Pepper or Moxie Cream Soda.

As a bonus you can sit comfortably in a brand new booth, listen to some great oldies and revel in the knowledge that this used to be a Carl's Jr (which also means they actually have a drive-thru).

Unfortunately, because this is a new location for Johnny's Burgers, I haven't seen them getting too much business. So if you're ever in the area of Santa Ana/ Tustin and want some great food at very affordable prices, give them a try. If you're not sure what to try, hit me up and I'll give you some ideas. Hell, I might even join you.

Johnny's Burgers (#4) can be found at: 2029 E. 1st Street Santa Ana, CA 92705. I guarantee it's worth your time.

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