Tuesday, July 10, 2007

With a smug smile...

I often write about my love life… my life with Christa, only to keep it to myself out of a fear of coming off as smug and arrogant.

However, today I don’t really give a damn. I’m tired of keeping quiet about what makes me the happiest.

I wake up to poetry written on mirrors and tiny scraps of paper hidden throughout our home. Words that connect with my very soul and make me feel more whole than I ever thought possible.

I go to bed with the greatest lover I have ever known and I wake up with my best friend in the world.

I’ve read a thousand journals about how happy people are…how amazing their boyfriend/ girlfriend/ spouse is, and how they’re “the happiest couple in the world”.

I read it and I smile (assuredly, rather smugly) because I know that most people will never know love like this… and it’s a thought that will forever humble me.

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1 comment:

gino das said...

i like to pee in the bed lol. I like the poem very touching i might grow my beard as well.