Monday, July 2, 2007


I just got in from a drive. I had almost forgotten how relaxing that can be. It’s not like it was anything particularly special…just my lady and I cruising through the neighborhood. Windows down, sunroof up…checking out some of the old homes and buildings in nearby Santa Ana. I kept the radio off, choosing to enjoy the sounds of the city as my soundtrack; the hum and crackle of massive street lights, the occasional car horn like a trumpet off in the distance and the sound of families crowded around their TVs watching their favorite shows. I can’t help but notice how small and insignificant the various cars look compared to the slow swarm of city busses. Massive beasts lit up like fishbowls with just a spattering of passengers. Each one looking more tired than the previous. Proud, hard-working people who probably deserve to have a car much more than I do.
I now have every window and door of the house open. The air is cool and fresh. The gentle hum of the freeway is mixing with the Miles Davis playing on the radio and it’s making my eyes heavy. It’s been a long couple of months and I’m milking this rare night off for everything it’s worth.
It’s been far too long since I last took the time to enjoy the simple things like this. I’ve been too damn focused on work for it. Too busy trying to juggle both a career and a night job. 2 jobs plus 2 bosses adds up to too many people to please and not enough time for myself. Yet, as much as I hate working so hard… I can’t help but think that it’s this schedule, this lifestyle that helps me appreciate the few quite moments I get. Deep down, I know it keeps me from taking things for granted. After all, it’s that second job that keeps me from being one of those tired people on the bus, still waiting to get home.
So here’s to hard work, the sounds of the city and a refreshing break from the heat of the summer.
Life can be rough sometimes, but I don’t think I would have it any other way.


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