Tuesday, March 13, 2007

self portrait of a man bored at work

This is exactly the type of thing that happens when you're bored at work (and "work" happens to involve a computer and Internet access)

It's not a lack of focus that leads me to such silly things as much as a lack of simply being challenged.

I’m not sure why it is that I crave a challenge. I mean, I’m as lazy as the next guy. I can ignore a pair of socks on the floor for a good 2 weeks before finally getting annoyed enough to pick them up. So why is it that I can’t stand it when the “slow time of year” comes around at work? I’ve gone from the kid that would only do enough homework to avoid flunking to the guy who gets annoyed when his coworkers are slacking off.

I remember the good ol’ days when I would complain about how I couldn’t understand women. Now I’m lucky if I understand myself.

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